· Marcel Hahn · Research


The BMBF project "GAIA-X-Ready Industrial Product-Service Systems Smart Tools for Service-Centric Applications in Value Creation Networks (GRIPSS-X)" was launched on 1 November 2022.


This project is developing an infrastructure to enable secure and sovereign data exchange in the sector-specific area. Based on GAIA-X Federated Services, the project aims to break down the barriers to co-creation in value creation networks and to develop and test an industry-specific, cross-company application in the field of mechanical and plant engineering.

Out of 27 submissions for joint projects, >>GRIPSS<< was the winner: The joint project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the “PDA Research for Production, Services and Work” programme and supervised by the Karlsruhe Project Management Agency (PTKA).

The project runs from 01.11.2022 - 30.09.2024 and is funded by the BMBF under the funding code 02J21D102.

The project kick-off took place on 29 November 2022 with the numerous participation of all project participants, in which the vision and the project as well as the project schedule and the first work package were discussed. The first steps have already been taken and further steps are being planned.

We are looking forward to a good co-operation with all project participants. Further information will be available in future on the project’s own homepage.

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