· Marcel Hahn · Events

05th FVI Expert Breakfast - 26.07.2024

Sustainable maintenance

05th FVI Expert Breakfast - 26.07.2024


At this FVI expert breakfast, you can expect an inspiring round table discussion with our esteemed guest Lothar Schmiegel as well as the permanent hosts Jens Reißenweber and Marcel Hahn. Under the motto ‘Sustainable Maintenance - The Key to the Future’, we will immerse ourselves in the world of the EU project #MORE4Sustainability and shed light on the opportunities opened up by sustainable practices in maintenance.

This event is a must for anyone who wants to be at the forefront of the production and maintenance industry. Not only will we provide you with insights into the latest trends and challenges, but also a platform to discuss solutions and network with like-minded people.

Experience interactive discussions that focus on demographic change, advancing digitalisation and the growing importance of production partnerships. Take the opportunity to become part of a strong community that supports each other and shapes the future together.

Find out more: LinkedIn Event




The discussion at the expert breakfast meeting focussed on the topic of sustainability in maintenance. Here are the main points:

  • Sustainability initiatives: various measures to promote sustainability were presented, such as installing photovoltaic systems, switching to electric vehicles and optimising facilities to save energy.
  • Role of maintenance: maintenance plays a key role in the implementation of sustainability projects by planning and supporting the necessary infrastructure.
  • Challenges and solutions: Challenges such as the payback period of investments in sustainability and the importance of employee training for the successful implementation of sustainability measures were also discussed.
  • Measuring sustainability: The difficulty of measuring the direct contribution of maintenance to sustainability was addressed and the importance of KPIs and benchmarks emphasised. These points show that sustainability in maintenance is a multi-faceted issue that encompasses both technical and organisational aspects.
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