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13th FVI expert breakfast - 13.12.2024

#ShowYourWork Swarco Road Marking Systems

13th FVI expert breakfast - 13.12.2024


Probably the most important field of activity for maintenance managers!

Because it can be influenced enormously and has a huge impact on the entire system life cycle.

We cordially invite you to the 13th FVI Expert Breakfast,

which will be broadcast live from Austria on December 13, 2024 - by Swarco Road Marking Systems.

#ShowYourWork! - From users for users

—> How can we make the most of the opportunities presented by investments in new systems or “just” conversions or retrofits?

Andreas Illich, Managing Director and former project manager of the Greenfield project, which was built in 2022 / 2023 and is now in full operation, will present his learnings and especially the role of maintenance and will be happy to discuss them with you.

Together with other experts and many “stakeholders” who are currently implementing or planning major investments themselves, we want to address this very important topic and share experiences:

What are the opportunities of such projects? What are the risks, because they usually have to be carried out alongside day-to-day business? What role(s) does maintenance play in this and how can it be successfully realized? What opportunities do digitalization and AI offer in this regard? … and many more questions

🗓 Date: Friday, 13.12.2024 ⏰ Time: 09:30 - 10:30 am 📍 Location: Live from Austria, company Swarco Road Marking Systems

Find out more: LinkedIn Event


  • Automation and technology: The new glass bead factory in Neufurt uses a highly automated shuttle system for the gentle transportation of glass beads.
  • Documentation: The importance of detailed and standardized documentation was emphasized. It was discussed how the documentation should be specified and checked in advance to avoid problems later on.
  • Maintenance: The involvement of maintenance in the planning and procurement processes was highlighted as crucial to the success of the project. It was emphasized that maintenance should be integrated into the process at an early stage.
  • Training: Training the maintenance teams during and after the installation of the new equipment was raised as an important issue.
  • Costs and availability: It was discussed how technical plant availability should be specified and costs clearly defined upfront to avoid subsequent claims.
  • Standardization: The standardization of components and processes, especially for international projects, was highlighted as an important topic.
  • Experiences and challenges: Participants shared their experiences and challenges in procuring and implementing new equipment, including communication with suppliers and compliance with standards.
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